Having a well-designed network infrastructure is paramount for high-level performance, management and scalability. Likewise, an unsuitable plan can be quite a burden. This is why, when a widely spread Canadian retail company realized their Meraki network infrastructure was not optimized for management, they rapidly decided to take action.
The company’s Networking Team had regrouped 50 sites under one Meraki organization. The way the infrastructure was initially designed soon became a blocking point for the correct update and management of their sites, as these were located in different timezones.
Following Cisco Meraki’s recommendations, the team decided to restructure their network to have a cleaner, easier-to-manage dashboard. This entailed migrating over 80 switches across networks, which proved to be a challenging operation.
Do you want to know more about how we helped this company successfully migrate its devices and restructure its organization in a quarter of the time and with minimum effort? Download the case study.
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